I want to start off this sunnyside post by acknowledging the scary
and sobering disappearance of the Malaysian Airlines Flight. I can't
believe that a large passenger plane can literally just vanish. While a
happy ending is seeming less and less likely, I do hope that
authorities are able to piece together what happened soon and give
answers to the families of those on board. I also hope that whatever
happened will help make flying a little bit safer. It's sad that
horrible events are often what leads to big changes, but hopefully
something good can come of this.
On a less sad note, it
was spring ahead day today, which meant an hour less of sleep but also
meant that sunset wasn't until 6:51! It will be nice to have some more
light in the evenings.
It has been a good week, full of
lots of sleeping. I was exhausted all week, and as a result I slept 9+
hours every night. I think maybe I was on the verge of getting sick,
but sleeping kept it away. It also prepared me well for spring ahead :)
Josh Ritter concert last Sunday was great. He played a mix of new and
old music, and it was a very different concert than when I saw him 4+
years ago - much quieter, and more intimate. He is a really fun
performer, because he is almost constantly smiling and high energy. It
was a long way to drive for just the weekend, but worth it!
is one of the cutest and happiest things I've seen in awhile. I love
Lennon and Maisy on Nashville, and they have the best YouTube videos.
Here's their newest one, a cover of That's What's Up by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes.
Here are a couple of pictures from my weekend. I made
this delicious lentil-vegetable stew for the second time. The recipe
seems to have disappeared from where I found it online, but basically
it's lentils, sweet potatoes, onion, spinach, and a delicious mix of
spices - curry powder, cinnamon, garlic, and ginger. If you want the
recipe let me know and I can send it to you. Highly recommended! I
also spent some time this weekend searching for a bathing suit for our
upcoming spring break crew trip to DeLand, Florida. Unfortunately,
March is a very poor time to shop for swimming apparel in Vermont.
Apparently it is still too wintery for most people to be considering
swimming. I did end up ordering one online from Boden, so I'm hoping it
fits/I like it. We shall see! So the picture is of these pretty
hideous spandex I found at JC Penney...covered in french fries, pizza,
onion rings, hot dogs, etc. I was almost tempted to buy them but
they're just a little too weird. For your viewing pleasure.
a thought to leave you with, from the song Pumpin Blood that I posted
last time: "You're a catalyst to your happiness you know." A good
mantra to live by - you're only going to be happy if you decide to be.
Have a good week!
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